Bugaboo Provincial Park

Bugaboo provincial park

The Bugaboos, (located in British Columbia) was one of those places that was on the list for years but never prioritized going. Finally this summer felt like the best time to go because we had moved closer this past December. Normally regarded as an area famous for climbing - I knew I had to take my camera up there and explore. It is a beautiful place to visit regardless if you are headed up the granite spires or taking in the view from below.

bugaboo provincial park

Quick rundown:

Location: Bugaboo Provincial Park , British Columbia Canada

Camping: Applebee dome (Best for climbing) | Boulder (quieter) | Conrad Kain hut

(we did both campsites)

Trail: Via Conrad Kain Hut Trail

Distance: Approx 5km to Applebeedome (don’t be fooled, it is mostly up!)

Elevation Gain: Approx a little over 900m

Driving note: The drive is up a forest service road. Not the worst we have been on, but 4x4 strongly recommended.

Special notes: Sections with chains and ladders. Good to wire up your tires from porcupines(There’s usually enough at trailhead unless on busy weekend)

We started the hike in the late morning. Although the KM’s of this hike is not particularly long - the uphill does make it a challenging route. It was in the mid 30 degrees when we went , and with no shade for most of the hike I certainly felt it. After the very hot slog, we enjoyed some lunch up at Applebee dome campground. The scene was buzzing with climbers and we were still able to secure a spot. It’s truly a beautiful area to just explore and take photos. We ended up staying up through the night to do some astrophotography (the climbers sure get up early, we weren’t alone!)

Tips to avoid heat-stroke:

  • Drink plenty of fluids (+ electrolyes)

  • Hike earlier/later in the day as possible

  • Sun protection: Sunscreen, sunclothing.

  • Know the signs: eadache, dizziness, lack of sweating despite the heat, skin that feels hot, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat and breathing, and confused behaviour.

Some gear I would recommend:

  • Sunshirt - I didn’t have one on this hike and I regretted it (I got a second - degree burn during this weekend even with sunscreen. The sunshirt has helped ever since)

  • Water Purification System

  • Hat

  • Sunscreen, chargers, small items: HERE

  • Hiking poles - always optional, but even with ladders and chains I enjoyed having my poles.



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